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Nice that you're here!  

As the first certified natural cosmetics label for curly hairs, we offer you natural care products for structured and low-maintenance hair made in Germany. Our products are wonderfully suitable for afro hair, wavy curly or dry hair. We attach great importance to sustainability.


Afrolocke corrects the common western ideal of beauty in the beauty market and makes diversity visible.  

  • vegan 

  • certified natural cosmetics 

  • made and lovingly packaged in Germany

  • made in Germany 

  • without silicones

  • without parabens

  • without alcohol 

  • Packaging made of light glass or 100% recycled PET bottle

Anna is the founder of Afrolocke and in 2016 she had enough of the laborious search for the right product for her Afro hair. She loves natural products and uses them in her daily care routines.


Our products provide the hair with rich oils and plenty of moisture and protect against hair breakage. The hair is beautiful inside and out - without compromise. Better care and combability for all curly heads and hair hungry for care, without having to resort to the chemical club.  

At the dining table at home in Stuttgart-West, she began to research which ingredients are good for afro hair and which contents of conventional shampoos should be avoided. The products have been available since August 2017. You can find Afrolocke in numerous stores.

Curls are unique. We help you with our products and care tips to find your hair routine and love your natural hair. 

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Photo: Verena Müller

Afro-curly natural cosmetics 

As the first certified natural cosmetics label for curly heads, we offer you natural care products for structured and care-hungry hair made in Germany. We attach great importance to sustainability. Afrolocke corrects the common ideal of beauty in the beauty market and makes diversity visible.  

In love with nature and your hair! 


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