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More about Anna

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Social Media Manager  


More about Nana

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Sales manager  

More about Matthias

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PR & Social Media Manager

More about Nadine

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"To see Afrolocke grow makes me very happy and proud. We correct the common ideal of beauty and make diversity visible.  


Being the first certified natural cosmetics label from Germany for curly hairs and seeing visible changes motivates me to keep working on my dream. "


Meh zu Anna
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"My hairjourney wasn't that easy for me, it took years

and a lot of patience is required of me and that's why my work is for Afrolocke

like a heart project. "


Mehr zu Nana
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"People with Afro curls should just as naturally be able to buy their needs-based and sustainable natural cosmetic products offline as online."


Mehr zu Matt
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"In the course of a crisis of meaning I was looking for a job that I feel more passionate about and from which I can draw more inspiration. I found both at Afrolocke."


Mehr zu Nadine

Afro-curly natural cosmetics 

As the first certified natural cosmetics label for curly heads, we offer you natural care products for structured and care-hungry hair made in Germany. We attach great importance to sustainability. Afrolocke corrects the common ideal of beauty in the beauty market and makes diversity visible.  

In love with nature and your hair! 


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